Monthly Archives: July 2010

Jews Bear The Brunt Of G-d’s Wrath

In a lecture on Deuteronomy 28, Dennis Prager says: “This is all about punishing the Jews. This is not a punishment of infidels. This is a remarkable aspect of the Hebrew Bible. It is the Jews who bear the brunt … Continue reading

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Jewish Philosopher Blogger Jacob Stein

A convert to Orthodox Judaism at age 16 (under the auspices of Rabbi Moshe Feinstein), Jacob Stein writes the Jewish Philosopher blog. My favorite post of his is about how to catch secret Orthodox atheists. It should be required reading … Continue reading

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Torah Talk With Rabbi Rabbs

This week’s Torah portion is Veetchanan: Va’etchanan (ואתחנן — Hebrew for “and I pleaded,” the first word in the parshah) is the 45th weekly Torah portion (parshah) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading and the second in the … Continue reading

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What Is A Ritual?

“A ritual is a physical expression of a value,” says Dennis Prager in his 2004 lecture on Deut. 26. “It took me about 50 years to figure that out. I wish you knew how much struggle is behind a simple … Continue reading

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Why Women of the Wall Are Getting Arrested Now, Firing Octavia Nasr at CNN, and The Newest Jewish Major Leaguer: Mets’ Ike Davis

Click here to watch in High Definition (HD)

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