Monthly Archives: June 2010

Dennis Prager: ‘Where Has Islam Gotten Very Strong, And Personal Liberty Gotten Stronger?’

Ex-federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy (author of the new book, The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America) answered today on Dennis Prager‘s radio show: “Nowhere.” He quoted Winston Churchill as saying that Islam is the greatest retrogade force … Continue reading

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Men, Women And Competition

On Dennis Prager’s radio show yesterday, relationship expert Alison Armstrong says: “Sports is one of my most favorite place to watch men. One of the things about men that women don’t know is that you are always about winning. A … Continue reading

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Review: ‘God is not One’

It’s easy to say that all religions are one. It’s easy to say that we all believe in the same God. It’s easy to say that we all want to be in Heaven. It’s also false, argues Boston University religion … Continue reading

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Review: ‘Gaming The World’

In Gaming the World: How Sports Are Reshaping Global Politics And Culture, University of Michigan professors Andrei S. Markovits and Lars Rensmann examine the significance of athletics. “Sports matter,” they write in the book’s first sentence. “They hold a singular … Continue reading

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Pinchas Vs. The Girls Of Baal-Peor

This week’s Torah portion has so much slaughter and fornication that it would make a good videogame. I’m normally a very strong man, but there’s just something about Midianite girls that puts the lead in my pencil. I remember meeting … Continue reading

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