Daily Archives: May 31, 2010

May Is Jewish History Month

I haven’t met a Jew yet who gave a damn about May being Jewish History month. When you are secure in your identity, you don’t need these government proclamations to shore up your sense of self. On the other hand, … Continue reading

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Voice Of The Powerless Blames The Jewish Lobby

Lila Shahani was profiled in the Los Angeles Times earlier this month: A woman who started a blog after a deadly typhoon is an unlikely voice of the powerless. Reporting from Seoul — Call her the accidental blogger, because Lila … Continue reading

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Only The Non-Orthodox Hold Jewish Identity Conferences

Can you imagine Orthodox Jews holding Jewish identity conferences? It’s inconceivable. One of the great things about belonging to an authentic tradition, any authentic tradition, is that you know who you are. That the non-Orthodox keep talking about Jewish identity … Continue reading

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Orthodox Jews Don’t Tend To Be Friends With Non-Jews

[Heshy Fried posts: “I don’t look at non-Jews as evil. I guess I just stick with my own (although my own include people who converted to Judaism – reform, conservative and orthodox) out of comfort and Judaism being central to … Continue reading

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Rahm Emmanuel Holds A Bar Mitzvah Celebration For His Son On A Sunday

I know that Rahm Emanuel speaks Hebrew, belongs to an Orthodox synagogue and visits Israel. His wife, Amy Rule, apparently did not receive an Orthodox conversion. Rabbi Asher Lopatin writes to the Failed Messiah blog in November 2008: Please read … Continue reading

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