Monthly Archives: May 2010

Arguments For Staying Faithful To Your Wife

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager gave advice to men on how to stay faithful. “If you have an affair, you’re hiding something from your wife. The more you hide from your spouse, the less close you are. The … Continue reading

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Widow To Get Torahs Back

Background on this dispute. Jeff emails: Luke: Last April, you blogged about the Mishan Israel/Pauker fight over the Torahs. Just as an FYI, the RCC Bet Din heard the case again and issued a second ruling in Pauker’s favor, demanding … Continue reading

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Make Heather Pink’s Dreams Come True

Click here for her wish list. I met Heather Pink and her boyfriend Andrew Parker in Tampa Bay between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur of 2005. We were at the “Tampa Show”, an informal gathering of Shakespeare scholars. I … Continue reading

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Stalking Sarah Palin

I find that’s Jack Shafer often articulates my inchoate instincts about journalism. I only have vague feelings about a lot of issues until Jack Shafer spells things out for me. I’m often accused of obsession in my blogging. It’s … Continue reading

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Most People Who Have A Life Don’t Demonstrate

After a speech to Chabad of Conejo Valley on Jan. 13, 2009, Dennis was asked about anti-Israel demonstrations on Wilshire Blvd that gathered ten times as many people as the counter pro-Israel demonstrations. Twenty five minutes in, Dennis says: “Most … Continue reading

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