Monthly Archives: May 2010

What Makes For A Good Therapist?

I’ve had therapists come into my life and I’ve had them go out of my life. Looking back, I think my every therapist has been excellent. Here’s what I’ve appreciated in them: * They’ve made it easy to connect with … Continue reading

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Where Have Our Manners Gone?

I’m appalled as I walk down Pico Blvd beside Glatt Matt and its dirty competitor at how many Jews park in traffic and run in to the store to get something, oblivious to the cars piling up behind them. I … Continue reading

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Video Of My Panel Discusson On ‘Christians, Jews and the Sabbath after the Holocaust’

I make my first comments 30 minutes in. My voice has quite the nervous tremor and my hands play with my water bottle. I was hoping I’d appear smoother and calmer and cooler.

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Bariatric Surgery

Psycho-therapist Donna Burstyn writes: In a rush to get things done, in a rush to get things beautiful, in a rush to get things thin, in a city where most people know it as a laid-back non-judgmental place, Los Angeles … Continue reading

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Whatever Happened To Deportment Among Conservative Rabbis?

Last week I wondered why the head of American Jewish University’s rabbinics program publishes photos of himself in jeans and a tye-dye t-shirt. Can you imagine Saul Lieberman doing that? I also wonder the Ziegler School of Rabbinics is run … Continue reading

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