Monthly Archives: April 2010

Yisroel Pensack: Some Thoughts on the Sentencing Hearing of Sholom Rubashkin

A sentencing hearing in the financial fraud case of former Agriprocessors kosher slaughterhouse manager and Lubavitcher chassid Sholom Rubashkin is scheduled to begin tomorrow (Wednesday) in federal court in Iowa. There is a concept in Judaism that each Shabbat “blesses,” … Continue reading

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Spirituality In Orthodox Judaism

Joe emails: The basic problem is that there is no way for spirituality to keep up with technology. Technology is anti-spiritual in a real way. Yes, it is pretty cool that you can go to a site on your iphone … Continue reading

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Jews & Goldman Sachs

Chaim Amalek writes: More troubling is the current spate of attacks on Goldman Sachs (and who here remembers Joe McCarthy?). Personally, I think that a world without Goldman Sachs would be a world in which the living would envy the … Continue reading

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Letter in Response to Criticism of Sinai Temple’s Unity Concert

Bryan Berkette emails: Dear Robert and Susanne, I received an email from you yesterday (see below) that was well written but left me disappointed and distressed. You were upset that Tuesday

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The Time Of Trouble

I’ve found that I get the most exciting stories from the people with the least going on in their lives. You talk to homeless people and they’ll tell you about government satellites beaming subliminal messages into their brains. By contrast, … Continue reading

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