Monthly Archives: February 2010

Heshy Fried (Frum Satire) Interview

See the whole thing.

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Rabbi Adam Kligfeld Of Temple Beth Am

The new rabbi at Beth Am, a Conservative synagogue on La Cienega and Olympic Blvds, seems like a good fit. There was one hiccup for some congregants. The new rabbi, who’s about 36 but looks 18, wants to be called … Continue reading

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Heshy Fried Live In The Hovel!

Heshy Fried operates I hung out with Heshy for four hours Sunday night. (My 2011 video interview with Heshy.) Things started out in the hovel and then moved to Haifa restaurant on Pico Blvd. Luke: “Heshy, when you were … Continue reading

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LimmudLA 2010

I hope Heaven will be one long LimmudLA. Here’s my story this year: Jan. 29. I got sick. Jan. 31. The healing begins. Feb. 7. I return to yoga for the first time in 11 days. “Perfect,” I think. “I … Continue reading

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Rabbi Daniel Bouskila Leaves Sephardic Temple Tifereth Israel In Westwood

Rabbi Daniel Bouskila has been at the temple since 1993. Before that, it was run by Rabbi Jacob M. Ott. The parting of Rabbi Bouskila and Tifereth Israel was sudden. The news came out last week. I don’t know the … Continue reading

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