Tag Archives: teacher training

After 44 Months, I’m Gonna Shave Off My Beard

I just made a deal tonight to get financing for the rest of my Alexander Technique teacher training. As a condition for this loan, I’ve agreed to stay clean-shaven for at least the first year of my Alexander Technique private … Continue reading

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When Do I Post Duplicate Content?

I go through phases where 90% of what I post on here is original content. And then I go through phases where 70% of what I post is duplicate content from other sites that I cut and paste from and … Continue reading

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LimmudLA 2010

I hope Heaven will be one long LimmudLA. Here’s my story this year: Jan. 29. I got sick. Jan. 31. The healing begins. Feb. 7. I return to yoga for the first time in 11 days. “Perfect,” I think. “I … Continue reading

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I hate that sound — "Ehehhehhehh!" It means I’m wrong. I’m bad. I’m busted. It means I may not pass go, I may not collect $200. For 43 years, people have been saying "Ehehhehhehh!" to me. It means I can’t … Continue reading

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