Monthly Archives: January 2010

Rob Eshman Is A Differentiated Man

On Motzi Shabbos, in a confused state of mind — my heart was breaking over being stood up by a spunky sheila and my spirit was soaring over the Dallas Cowboys first playoff victory since January 1997 — I wrongly … Continue reading

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The End Of

Orit Arfa emails her members: Dear Members, After much consideration, I have decided for personal and professional reasons to discontinue the website, Thank you so much for taking part in this cool experiment. Please stay tuned to my future … Continue reading

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Barack Obama Does Not Speak To White People With A Negro Dialect

Senate majority leader Harry Reid was right. Barack Obama is light-skinned (his mother is white, Obama is no more black than white) and Obama does not speak with a negro dialect unless he wants one. What’s the hubbub about? What’s … Continue reading

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Shannon Orand’s Unusual Conversion

Here’s the Jewish Israel report. Here’s The Jerusalem Report. From The Jerusalem Post, it sounds like Rav Shmuel Eliyahu (Chief Rabbi of Safed and the son of the former Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Israel, Mordechai Eliyahu) is the main force … Continue reading

Posted in Christianity, Conversion, Guma Aguiar, Israel, Jewish Israel, Orthodoxy, R. Dov Lior, R. Haim Druckman, R. Leib Tropper, R. Rafi Ostroff, R. Shmuel Eliyahu, R. Tovia Singer, Shannon Orand | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Shannon Orand’s Unusual Conversion