Monthly Archives: October 2009

Will Love Of Christ Overcome Lack Of Sex?

I was raised (in Seventh-Day Adventism) that you should not mess around before marriage. You should not even kiss too intensely. On his second hour of his radio show Friday, Dennis Prager got a call from a evangelical Christian man … Continue reading

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Rabbi Gabe Elias Knows The Pulse Of Mogen David

Rabbi Elias at Mogen David is a canny operator. He thinks things out many steps ahead of the pack. He’s skilled at anticipating underhanded behavior. He can read it from a mile away. He can out-maneuver you if he wants … Continue reading

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How The Haredim Took Control In Israel

The Haredim have been yelling about the illegitimacy of Modern Orthodox conversions for many years. Only now do they have the political power to delegitimize such conversions. When the Mizrachi aka religious Zionists aka the Modern Orthodox in Israel opposed … Continue reading

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Shake This And You’ll Go To Heaven

An Orthodox friend explains to me why he doesn’t trust converts or baalei teshuva (returnees to Judaism): "Someone shows up to Canfield Elementary School with a lulav and says, shake this and you’ll go to Heaven. Suddenly the kid comes … Continue reading

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Ari Wasserman’s Double Life

From Jewish Action, a magazine of the Orthodox Union: Ari Wasserman, thirty-eight, a successful Los Angeles lawyer, is leading a double life. He’s traversing both the Torah and corporate worlds with seemingly the greatest of ease, and prospering in both. … Continue reading

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