Monthly Archives: October 2009

North Hollywood Shul Shooting Forces Bar Mitzvah To Be Rescheduled For Thursday Evening

Read the last sentence where the kid says it’s not so bad, at least he’ll be famous. Well, fame was one the blessings that God promised to bestow upon Abraham. Genesis 12:2: "I will make you into a great nation … Continue reading

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Police Now Say That North Hollywood Synagogue Shooting Yesterday Was Not A Hate Crime

That must come as a relief to the men who were shot in the legs and a disappointment to the rabbis and community leaders who’d love more face time in front of the TV cameras if only they could show … Continue reading

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David Rubin Indicted

The Los Angeles Times reports: CDR Financial Products Inc. of Beverly Hills, its founder and two other employees of the advisory firm were indicted Thursday by a federal grand jury on charges of conspiring to rig bidding on investment contracts … Continue reading

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I’m In ‘The Tunnel’

I’m listening to this lecture by Alison Armstrong ( about the "amazing development of men." I’m trying to figure out which stage of life I am in. This is my second time listening to this lecture. I just figured it … Continue reading

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Trevor Alders – The Man Who Killed Pat Tillman

I’m reading Jon Krakauer’s book on Pat Tillman, the former Arizona Cardinal safety who volunteered to join the U.S. military and was shot down by mistake by his fellow Rangers. Krakauer writes that all the evidence points to Trevor Alders … Continue reading

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