Category Archives: War

Battle: A History Of Combat And Culture by John A. Lynn

Here are some highlights from this 2009 book: Clausewitz begins with violence, hatred, and enmity, which he believes “mainly concerns the people,” for here he labels what is clearly the most novel and pressing matter of the day. 89 The … Continue reading

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Britain at Bay: The Epic Story of the Second World War, 1938-1941

Here are some highlights of this fantastic 2020 book by professor Alan Allport: * Lewis wondered, though, if critics would interpret The Lord of the Rings as a political satire about contemporary Europe, rather than as the timeless mythopoeic fantasy … Continue reading

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Clausewitz: His Life and Work

Here are some highlights from this 2014 book: * The French Revolution… unleashed what Clausewitz would later call the “passions of the people.” Now the energy of the nation’s inhabitants—especially their willingness to support and sacrifice for the war effort—became … Continue reading

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Clausewitz in the Twenty-First Century

Here are some highlights from this 2007 book: * Carl von Clausewitz’s On War is the prism through which we have come to look at war. Certainly within Europe, and to an increasing extent outside as well, military commentators have … Continue reading

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Was There Any Chance The Axis Powers Would Win WWII?

From a thread at Greg Cochran: * Greg Cochran writes: In October, 1941, the Soviet Union was in trouble. The Germans had just taken another huge bite out of the Red Army, capturing half a million men in the Vyazma … Continue reading

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