Daily Archives: August 26, 2009

Telshe Yeshiva College Falling Apart

The oldest yeshiva in America has a new administration. The Gifter family (which ran Telshe from 1964) is out in the cold. The powers now at Telshe include jeweler Jonah Sheinbaum, and rabbis Levitansky, Goldberg and Greenwald. Employees at Telshe … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Feels Little Desire To Gossip

I guess it all depends on how you define gossip. Dennis Prager’s number one source for items for his show is the Drudge Report, the number one news and gossip website in the world. On his radio show today, Dennis … Continue reading

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Faux Calls For Dialogue

Lawrence Grossman writes in the Forward: "Is it too much to hope that it also might encourage steps toward renewing respectful dialogue between Orthodox and non-Orthodox Jews?" When I was interviewing people in 2004 for my book on American Jewish … Continue reading

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Will Rabbis Take Up Obama’s Healthcare Challenge?

How many rabbis will be able to resist the urge to pontificate during the Days of Awe about matters on which they know little? Noam Neusner writes in the Forward: In the hands of Obama the potter, American Jews are … Continue reading

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Orthodox Rav Solves The Mystery Of Sexual Identity Formation

Rabbi Kanefsky writes in the Jewish Journal: "I cannot articulate for myself a convincing argument as to why the legal recognition of civil marriage should be withheld from citizens who, by dint of how they were born, are only able … Continue reading

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