Daily Archives: August 24, 2009

Torah Lessons

When I won’t send the requisite emails begging for payment, my boss says, "Fine. I’ll pay you in Torah lessons."

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Do I Have To Pay $40 A Year For Virus Protection?

I asked a bloke who graduated from Harvard and he told me: No. There are free anti-virus packages out there that you can download. Also, at least some of these commercial packages have gotten big and bloated to the point … Continue reading

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If Rav Schachter Says March, They March

I was fascinated by the Meir Kin case. Not the messy details of the divorce, but the side issue of three Modern Orthodox shuls in Pico-Robertson repeatedly sending their members to picket outside the home of Meir Kin’s parents. I … Continue reading

Posted in Beth Jacob, Bnai David-Judea, Dennis Prager, Meir Kin, Personal, YICC | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on If Rav Schachter Says March, They March

Author George Gilder Speaks In Los Angeles About ‘The Israel Test’

The Wednesday Morning Club hosts George Gilder Sept. 10. I have as much interest in seeing George Gilder speak as anybody in the world. He’s a giant. His book "Sexual Suicide" convinced me to get married. Wait, I’m channeling Dennis … Continue reading

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Is Bnai David-Judea Isolated?

It’s on the most modern (left-wing a la R. Avi Weiss) wing of Orthodox Judaism. It led the way with women’s prayer groups and showing the documentary Trembling Before God. It had a woman (Reb Mimi Feigelson) lead kiddish for … Continue reading

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