Daily Archives: August 23, 2009

Name Those Who Study Torah In Pico-Robertson

I’m talking about people who study it every day in the original. And I am not talking about rabbis or anybody who gets paid to study Torah. There are three at Bnai David-Judea (about 430 member families) — Shep Rosenman, … Continue reading

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The Worst Holocaust Movie Ever?

I want to see this. It sounds appalling! It is supposed to be the worst ever. From The Tablet: …never-released 1972 film called The Day the Clown Cried. As reported many years ago in Spy magazine, Clown is “the most … Continue reading

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Yehuda Bukspan – The LA Rabbi Worth Standing For

As I make my way around Jewish life, I notice Orthodox Jews jumping to their feet to honor speakers. I’ve even seen Orthodox Jews rise to their feet to honor a woman! And a TV writer! I’m not into rising … Continue reading

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Is It Permitted To Study Torah On Shabbos?

Rabbi Ari Enkin posts: While it goes without saying that one should allocate time for Torah study on Shabbat,[1] it is interesting to note that a number of halachic authorities are of the opinion that one should not engage in … Continue reading

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Is It Permitted To Evaluate Your Teacher Honestly?

DF posts: "Very often "halacha" is just common sense. [Except in matters of ritual, where it is frequently the opposite.] In this case, Dr. Meir quotes the Chafetz Chayim to say you can use surveys if it’s constructive, and that … Continue reading

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