Daily Archives: August 9, 2009

Little Arab Boys Need Love Too

He was talking to a friend on Shabbos. "She said you were a little," he said, and, palms up, pumped his hands up and down. A little off? He thought only he knew that. Is it so obvious? Ouch. Then … Continue reading

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Killing Time On Shabbat

In Judaism, the Sabbath — like other commandments — is often something more to be endured than to be celebrated. I always thought that when I got married and had a family that observing the Sabbath would be easier. But … Continue reading

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A Manhattan Memorial For The Victims Of The Tel Aviv Gay Massacre

From the blog of the community of queer frum (Orthodox) women: Last Saturday night, an unknown assailant opened fire on a Jewish support group for gay and lesbian youth, killing three and injuring ten minors. Join us for a community-wide memorial service as we … Continue reading

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