Monthly Archives: July 2009

The Jewish Week In Review

Steven I. Weiss reports:

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America Does Not Have A Healthcare Crisis

It has the best healthcare in the world. It has a large number of people without health insurance (about 42 million) but they can all show up to an emergency room and get healthcare. Dennis Prager asks on his radio … Continue reading

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What Has Britain’s Chief Rabbi Done To Strengthen Modern Orthodoxy In UK?

Lawrence Kaplan writes: "The CR is an eloquent spokesman for traditional Jewish values on the nationial and international scene. Kol ha-kavod. But what has he done to strengthen the modern Orthodox community in the UK? From my own observations and … Continue reading

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Next Time, No More Mr Nice Guy

I write out three pages of my thoughts every morning. Here are some excerpts from my journal: I picture myself at a reconciliation meeting with the rabbi. "What do you want to do differently this time around?" he asks. "This … Continue reading

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Batter My Heart For You

I fear I am wasting my life in a grand delusion, that writing is a refuge for the lonely, that my desires to feel superior interfere with my desires to connect. I fear I am not the greatest writer of … Continue reading

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