Monthly Archives: July 2009

I Feel Like Peter Pan

I never want to grow up!

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Did God Appear At The White House?

Joe emails: I hate to say it to many atheists who read your site, but God just appeared in the white house. No, I am not talking about Mr. Obama. I am talking about the question asked Obama about the … Continue reading

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Does The Orthodox Union Certify Any Foods That Need Certification?

Have you noticed that everything that the Orthodox Union certifies does not really need a kosher certification? They certify bottled water but bottled water does not need a kosher certification. Sure, it makes the companies more money that sell the … Continue reading

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The Supreme Leader On Pretty Serious Relationships

I recorded this video more than a month ago after a twenty-something friend told me that her new relationship was "pretty serious." This cut me to the quick as no girl has ever said about dating me that our relationship … Continue reading

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The Kundalini Glow

Cathy Seipp said I was the most cynical person she knew. Cathy was a cynical journalist who knew a lot of cynical people. I felt proud. I went to yoga today and again it stared me in the face that … Continue reading

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