Monthly Archives: June 2009

What Is The Path To Enlightenment?

Halfway through yoga class the other day, the teacher had us go outside for a 15-minute walk. He urged us to do it barefoot. "Will you lead us over hot coals?" I asked. "No, that’s for the advanced class," he … Continue reading

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What Is The Scientific Study Of Judaism?

Academic study of Judaism aka critical study aka scientific study all mean something simple — following the facts wherever they lead. The major Ashkenazi denominations of Judaism (Reform, Conservative and Orthodox) developed in Germany in the 19th Century. A founder … Continue reading

Posted in Judaism, Marc B. Shapiro, Modern Orthodox, Orthodoxy | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on What Is The Scientific Study Of Judaism?

Time To Start Worrying Over Obama’s Israel Policy

Rabbi Steven Pruzansky writes for The Jewish Press: President Obama’s long-awaited speech in Cairo on U.S.-Muslim relations met expectations. It was passionately read and delivered (except for one stumble: calling a "hijab" a "hajib," an understandable error), touched all the … Continue reading

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The Old Luke Ford Would’ve Been All Over This Story

Chaim Amalek emails: "And who knows, maybe his hectoring would have kept the business a bit more honest, a bit safer for its workers, and made the world a better place. What does the new Luke do that has comparable … Continue reading

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The Religious Zionist Approach To Jewish Law

Rabbi Gil Student writes: When I look at the halakhic writings that have emerged from the Religious Zionist sector in Israel, I am sometimes highly uncomfortable. In a recently published Orthodox Forum book, Religious Zionism Post Disengagement: Future Directions, there … Continue reading

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