Daily Archives: June 10, 2009

The Making Of A Gadol

I had my annual physical Monday. I asked my doctor if we could do a test to see if I am capable of fatherhood. The test came with a small plastic cup and a long list of instructions, including: 1. … Continue reading

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David’s Folly

Author Bill Nelson emails: Upon hearing the shocking and tragic news about David Carradine’s death hanging in a Bangkok hotel closet, triggered my memory to recall a brief but unforgettable encounter a few years ago that my buddy and I … Continue reading

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What That Old Gunmen in DC Thinks

The 89 year old fellow who opened fire at the Holocaust Museum today.  From his book: Survival of the JEW nation depends upon maintaining its status as GOD’S CHOSEN PEOPLE. The TALMUD, therefore, makes it a crime for JEWS to … Continue reading

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I Don’t Have HIV!

My blood work is back from Kaiser and here are the only disturbing results (I’ve had these problems for a couple of years now and no matter how much I pray about them, they don’t seem to go away): CHOLESTEROL … Continue reading

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