Daily Archives: June 16, 2009

A Holocaust Revisionist Reacts To The Holocaust Museum Shooting

Mike H. Ahlens writes: WASHINGTON (CNN) — To most, the evidence against alleged Holocaust Museum shooter James von Brunn may seem overwhelming. Surveillance camera video. Eyewitness accounts. Von Brunn’s red Hyundai parked outside. Ballistics. But to some people in Von … Continue reading

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Forward Bashes CEO Pay

Steven I. Weiss writes: Singling out CEOs as the culprits behind economic woes is nothing new, but the blame laid at heads of Jewish organizations by the Forward this week for not cutting their salaries while laying-off staff doesn’t have … Continue reading

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Business Activities Of Yavneh Board Chair David Rubin Scrutinized

Report: This is about the subpoena CDR got the other day from the Feds about their dealings in regards to a airport: Federal investigators subpoenaed Port Authority of Allegheny County documents related to a company that might have overcharged municipal … Continue reading

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