Daily Archives: June 20, 2009

The Biggest Thing To Develop Character

"…is taking care of yourself and others," said Dennis Prager on his radio show Wednesday. "In that respect, Europeans are more childlike than Americans. Why did doctors come to your house when you were a kid? Before all these government … Continue reading

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Spammed By Tagged.com

I accidentally spammed all my friends to look at my Tagged profile. From today’s New York Times: I THOUGHT it was a little strange when I received separate e-mail messages from two people I knew only slightly asking me to … Continue reading

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Risking It All For Love

Katie Roiphe writes in the New York Times about a challenging new book on love: Nehring sees in the grandeur of feeling a kind of heroism, even if the relationship doesn’t take conventional form or endure in the conventional way. … Continue reading

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Someone is Wrong on the Internet

I must set them straight pronto! I love this piece in the New York Times: One of the more trenchant cartoons of the Internet era features a stick-figure man typing furiously at his keyboard. From somewhere beyond the panel floats … Continue reading

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Surprised By Joy

Something happened to me this evening that hasn’t hit me in months — I wanted to go to shul. Around 7pm, my feet got itchy and I put on my suit and I walked half an hour and I said … Continue reading

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