Daily Archives: June 19, 2009

The Supreme Leader

I’ve been telling everyone today that I am the Supreme Leader, that I’m the Ayatollah of rock n’rolla. I rushed home to try to register thesuperemeleader.com but it is already taken. Oy vey!

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‘I Thought You People Didn’t Drink Soda’

I ordered a $1.65 cup for the soda fountain at a goyisha cafeteria in Norwalk this afternoon. The friendly Hispanic lady behind the counter said to me, pulling on imaginary sidecurls (payos): "I thought you people didn’t drink soda." "Not … Continue reading

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Fear, Not Hope: Edgar M. Bronfman Publishes Another Book

I read his first two. Big mistake. They were dull. His new book: "Hope, not fear: a path to Jewish renaissance" Why does anyone publish this man? He has nothing to say. Publishers Weekly says: Bronfman, a philanthropist, former World … Continue reading

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Was Bible Scholar Nechama Leibowitz A Feminist?

Rabbi Gil Student writes: The main question discussed is Nehama’s relationship with feminism. On the one hand, she was a female Torah teacher long before they became common, as they now are in some communities. And she was such a … Continue reading

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