Monthly Archives: May 2009

Non-Orthodox Judaism Disappearing?

I’ve heard other Orthodox rabbis, such as Berel Wein, say they expected non-Orthodox Judaism to be around for hundreds of years. It would be delusional to think otherwise. Chaim Amalek emails:Isn’t that the case with all liberalizing religions in the … Continue reading

Posted in Christianity, Conservative Judaism, Modern Orthodox, Orthodoxy, R. Norman Lamm, Reconstructionist Judaism, Reform Judaism | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Non-Orthodox Judaism Disappearing?

Meir Kin Divorce Protests

This announcement went out to Orthodox shuls across Los Angeles, including YICC: L.A. COMMUNITY RALLY this Sunday, May 10th Protest Meir Kin’s Refusal to Give His Wife A Valid Get Dear Friends, We would like to remind you about the … Continue reading

Posted in Divorce, Meir Kin, Orthodoxy, Pico/Robertson | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Meir Kin Divorce Protests

Paying For Jewish Day Schools

From Hirhurim: OU Plans to Foster Major Savings in Non-Academic Yeshiva Expenses (link): With the encouragement and participation of a growing number of yeshivot and day schools across North America, the Orthodox Union is quickly moving ahead with a two-pronged … Continue reading

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‘Transforming Identity: The Ritual Transition From Gentile To Jew – Structure and Meaning’

From Hirhurim: In the latest issue of Tradition (link), hot off the presses and available online, R. Michael J. Broyde publishes a review of Avi Sagi and Zvi Zohar’s book about conversion, Transforming Identity: The Ritual Transition from Gentile to … Continue reading

Posted in Conversion, Hirhurim, Marc B. Shapiro, Orthodoxy, R. Michael J. Broyde | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on ‘Transforming Identity: The Ritual Transition From Gentile To Jew – Structure and Meaning’

The Jewish Week In Review

Steven I. Weiss reports:

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