Daily Archives: May 13, 2009

Can You Order A Miracle?

On the front of RabbiAriKahn.com, the rabbi debunks voodoo Judaism whereby if you do certain rituals at a certain place and recite certain things, you can get a shiduch (marriage) or a job etc. Anything that does not make sense … Continue reading

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Staying Friends With Your Ex

Good idea or bad idea? This is one of those issues where what I’d like to be differs from what I am. I am on good terms with virtually all of my exes, yet only one of them is in … Continue reading

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Lunch Returns Me To Childhood

I made a new friend over lunch today. He’s a lifelong Seventh-Day Adventist. Our lives have many parallels. Our fathers were SDA ministers who were ejected from church ministry for preaching heresy. I feel light-headed. I feel like I am … Continue reading

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Celebrating Lag B’Omer With Bonfires

"How is that good for Los Angeles?" I thought when I was reading a press release for a Lag B’Omer bonfire Monday night. "We have bad air pollution in LA and bonfires will only add to it. What will the … Continue reading

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Jewish Medical Ethics Conference

From Hirhurim: Torah in Motion, The Orthodox Union and Yeshiva University, invite you to The International Conference on Jewish Medical Ethics August 20th to 23rd, 2009 At the foot of the Majestic Laurentian Peaks at the inspired mountain chateau Fairmont … Continue reading

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