Daily Archives: May 1, 2009

Whoa! An Earthquake Just Rocked Me

The hovel is shaking! I hear the epic center of the quake was Westlake Village and it measured 4.3 on the Richter scale.

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Almost Every Gadol Of The Early 20th Century Had A Child Who Left The Path

In his third lecture on Rav Elazar Schach for Torah in Motion, historian Marc B. Shapiro says that Rav Schach’s son became a religious Zionist aka Modern Orthodox as opposed to Chareidi aka traditional Orthodox (who are not Zionists, don’t … Continue reading

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Danielle Berrin Appreciates Female Beauty As Much As I Do

From the Jewish Journal cover story this week: One look at the photograph Esquire used to declare actress Shirly Brener one of five Israeli women they love, and you want to wish the rest of her persona good luck in … Continue reading

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Tough Times For Venezuela’s Jews

Melanie Kirkpatrick writes: In 1998, the year Hugo Chavez was elected president, there were 22,000 Jews in Venezuela. Today the Jewish population is estimated at between 10,000 and 15,000. Those numbers tell a story, and it’s not a happy one. … Continue reading

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Convicted Los Angeles Muslim Terrorist Talks

From The Enterprise Report: Convicted terrorist leader Kevin Levar James sat for an unprecedented over hour long interview with The Enterprise Report this week. James led the prison based Muslim organization known as JIS. James pleaded guilty and was sentenced … Continue reading

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