Monthly Archives: March 2009

Barack Obama Seems Serious

He presents himself as a man with gravitas. But when he talks, he reveals himself as shallow. He doesn’t take ideas seriously. Dennis Prager says the Wall Street bonuses, AIG bonuses, are despicable but you can’t pass a law to … Continue reading

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Nauseating Success

PS: AFTER I WROTE THIS BLOG POST, I INTERVIEWED THE AUTHOR VIA EMAIL. This gushing profile of four female screenwriters in Hollywood made me want to retch. There’s not one skeptical let alone critical sentiment in it. I love this … Continue reading

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‘The Dying Animal’

Here’s my video review of the movie ‘Elegy": CTBatBoy comments: What struck me as laughable was the moment where David puts his hand on Consuela’s wrist and strokes it while they are sitting at the piano. His gnarled, wrinkled hand … Continue reading

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The Non-Jews and the Israeli Jews

A kashurt inspector I know worked at a food establishment owned by non-Jews. They were completely respectful of the laws of kashrut. He worked at a food establishment run by Orthodox Israelis who were constantly trying to do end-runs around … Continue reading

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A Miniskirt And A Sheitl

I was in the middle of the Kedusha — one of the high points of the Shabbos morning prayer service — when, out of the corner of my eye, I saw young female flesh. I looked out the door and … Continue reading

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