Daily Archives: February 18, 2009

Jewcy – We Hardly Knew Ya

I could never figure out why Jewcy.com didn’t use Adsense on their site. They probably could’ve made $100,000 from it over the past three years and at least as much from other online advertising programs. Perhaps if they had used … Continue reading

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Is Bible Scholar James Kugel A Heretic?

Daniel writes on Hirhurim: Some comments seemed to indicate that Professor Kugel is Shomer Mitzvos. However, if he does not believe in Torah min HaShamayim, then I do not see how he can fully believe (if at all) that the … Continue reading

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Naming Sources

David writes on Hirhurim: "Maybe the Rambam had a stronger basis on which to be ‘somech’ his methodology of not naming sources, i.e. from Moshe Rabbenu himself. After all, at the beginning of Devari-im when Moshe starts his review of … Continue reading

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