How Do You Deal With Friends Who Want To Demean You?

Like Dennis Prager, I’ve dedicated my life to uplifting the human condition.

I pattern my behavior on tne highest ideals of Western Civilization in general and the Torah in particular.

Despite this, I have people in my life who try to take me down from my cross (I climb up there every day to try to expiate the world’s sins).

For instance, at 4 pm, my friend and employer called.

"Hello," I said.

"Hello cocksucker," he said.

Yesterday when I picked up the phone, he called me "scumbag."

On other days, he calls me "nigger." He says I have an African-American work ethic.

I’m not sure how to respond. I make about $500 a month from assisting this gentleman in a few of his more legitimate endeavors.

All I know is — I don’t want to go back to dancing.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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