Daily Archives: February 3, 2009

How Do You Change Your IP Address?

guest4: Luke are you there?  It’s…  *waves*  Do you know how to change an IP? guest4: I’ve unplugged my computer for hours and still the same freaking IP.  I’m asking everyone and posting on tech forums but nothing yet that’s … Continue reading

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Why Are The Africans So Thrilled That Obama Was Elected President?

President Bush did more for the continent than any other president in history. The election of Barack Obama won’t make Africans’ lives any easier. It won’t change anything significant for them. I think they have their priorities wrong. If a … Continue reading

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Guru Singh On Facebook

Here’s his website and here is his Facebook. I didn’t realize the Guru could even turn on a computer. A friend calls: "My friend used to go see Guru Singh," he says, "and he’s now facing ten counts of contempt … Continue reading

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Absolute Civet Comes From A Dark Place

According to Rabbi Eidlitz’s book, "Is It Kosher?", Absolute Civet is secreted from a receptacle between the anus and the genitals of cats. Sounds yummy to me. I wonder how this miraculous flavoring material was discovered? According to this Oregon … Continue reading

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Don’t Stop Bumbling, Barack

From his nomination of three tax cheats to leadership roles in his administration (two have withdrawn), to the pork barrel stimulus package, President Obama is going from one bumble to another. He looks more and more like the Second Coming … Continue reading

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