Monthly Archives: February 2009

Jewish Bookstores In A Declining Economy

From Hirhurim: Here’s a great interview with Danny Levine, the owner of a Jewish bookstore in midtown Manhattan, where he gives his view on the current state of the Jewish book industry. Keep in mind that he is a bookstore … Continue reading

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Reconsidering Bible Scholar James Kugel

From Hirhurim: R. Dr. Moshe Bernstein, a Professor of Bible at Yeshiva College, writes a very eloquent (and surprisingly forceful) opinion piece on the Kugel incident (link) in the current issue of The Commentator (link): Why Lines Need to be … Continue reading

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Tomorrow Is The First Day Of The Rest Of My Life

I’m gonna live out Thursday just as Guru Singh would want. I’m rising at 3am, I’m gonna have a hearty barf, then a cold shower and then I’m going to the ashram at 3:45 a.m for three hours of prayer … Continue reading

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I’m Discussing Darwin Monday At 9PM

What should I say? I want to give a Torah perspective on the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth. I never learned much biology. Never studied much trigonometry. All I know is that I love you and if you’d love me … Continue reading

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I’m Gonna Do My Therapy Next Tuesday In Front Of 30 Interns!

Then six of them will gather with the clinician and discuss it. And I’ll get to watch! Hot! Please pray for me! Feb. 17 at 4pm! Today I got to have my two hours of therapy recorded and it will … Continue reading

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