Monthly Archives: February 2009

Nehama Leibowitz Biography

From Urim Publications: We are pleased to announce the release of Nehama Leibowitz: Teacher and Bible Scholar. Professor Nehama Leibowitz (1905–1997), winner of the Israel Prize in Education, was a unique figure in the twentieth century Jewish landscape. She wrote … Continue reading

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Global Warming

On the third hour of his radio show Thursday, Dennis Prager said: "The dominant feature of my radio show is to put truth above everything else." From "Dennis talks to Joe Bastardi, the chief hurricane and long range meteorologist … Continue reading

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American Economy Is Bad, Why Not Move To Israel?

Ten days ago on Facebook, I read about the plans of a friend of mine to move to Israel. I messaged him seeking permission to blog about his move. He asked me why I thought it was news-worthy and I … Continue reading

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Surprised At The Library

I was sitting at the library Thursday evening exchanging torrid emails with a young shiksa via my Blackberry. On my lap was the sacred text of the February issue of Commentary magazine. I sensed something ominous to my left and … Continue reading

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Which Frum Girls Are Best?

"A tefillin date is one in which the boy brings his tefillin along to the restaurant so if he ends up spending the night with the shaina maidel he won’t chos vesholom miss Shachris in the morning before work or … Continue reading

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