Daily Archives: January 12, 2009

Andrew Breitbart’s Big Hollywood

I interview Andrew by phone Wednesday afternoon about his new website BigHollywood.Breitbart.com. I previously interviewed Andrew in 2004 about his book "Hollywood, Interrupted." Luke: "Why do this website?" Andrew: "The number one reason is that the conservative movement has completely … Continue reading

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Cantor Stanley Rosenfeld is back in prison

Jewish Whistleblower writes: As first reported by the Awareness Center several weeks back, Cantor Stanley Rosenfeld is back in prison after violating the terms of his probation twice. Although full details are still not available, court dockets indicate that Judge … Continue reading

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Waltz With Bashir

I saw this movie at the Arclight Saturday night. It was smart, profound and real. My previous articles on Waltz are here and here. I’m glad I bought my ticket Friday because the screening was sold out. Afterwards, movie director … Continue reading

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