Monthly Archives: January 2009

Women Should Think Twice Before Saying No To Their Husbands

Dennis Prager writes for If most women wait until they are in the mood before making love with their husband, many women will be waiting a month or more until they next have sex. When most women are young, … Continue reading

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Luke Ford On The Yellow Peril

From my live cam: ChaimAmalek:  If I had a pal like Rod Blagojevich, I might be a US Seantor today ChaimAmalek:  You should write more about the economy ChaimAmalek:  Make predictions that if true, you can use to boost your … Continue reading

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Joel Schwartz Dies

He was a doctor. He collapsed and died at his daughter’s wedding Sunday. He was buried Monday. He was a regular at Aish HaTorah for many years. He opened his home to dozens of visitors including myself.. About a year … Continue reading

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‘Norwegian Doctor’ Turns Out To Be Left-Wing Activist

Dennis Prager discussed this story today. "If the media in WWII acted like the media today, Hitler would’ve won." Dennis says about the doctor: "You stink. You’re scum… I don’t expect the media to tell him he is beneath contempt … Continue reading

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Should Israel Let The News Media Into Gaza?

Dennis Prager says no on his radio show Tuesday (20 minutes in and here). The NYT editorialized: "Israel must immediately allow foreign journalists access to Gaza, as the Israeli high court ruled on Dec. 31. As in every war zone, … Continue reading

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