Daily Archives: November 12, 2008

Where Will The Gays Riot Next?

Joe emails: If you want to know where and when the gays will riot next, this is a great website: http://www.sfgate.com/webdb/prop8/ It shows who gave money in support (or in opposition) of prop 8. If I were on the list, … Continue reading

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Orthodox In-Fighting

Joe emails: The infighting among Orthodox shuls in L.A. is really an embarrassment. Young Israel of North Beverly Hills is a total train wreck and a textbook example of what happens when ego is mixed with money and control issues. … Continue reading

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Gay Activists Target Supporters Of Prop 8

This time the Mormon manager (Marjorie Christoffersen) of a restaurant (El Coyote) gets blasted. This approach is sure to win friends and influence people to the gay side. Gay activist Micah reports: Marjorie walked out with (her two daughters?) on … Continue reading

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San Francisco Vs. New York

ChaimAmalek:  SF is lovely, except for the people. ChaimAmalek:  Very different in NY vs SF NJG:  not really NJG:  same crappy neighborhoods, no washer dryers, no dishwashers, illegals everywhere ChaimAmalek:  NY may be politically liberal in the old sense, but … Continue reading

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Will Barack Obama Be Good For Israel?

Brad A. Greenberg writes: It’s fitting that Omri Ceren is just a dissertation away from having a doctorate in communication. The author of Mere Rhetoric—a blog popular with Republican Jews that deals mainly with American foreign policy, Israel and anti-Semitism … Continue reading

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