Daily Archives: November 2, 2008

The Secrets Of Making Converts To Orthodox Judaism

Rabbi Gil student writes: Urim Publications recently published A Circle in the Square, a book that is a combination of a biography of R. Shlomo Riskin until his aliyah in 1983 and the story of the innovation that is Lincoln … Continue reading

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The Cabalist’s Daughter – A New Novel

Check it out here. Here’s my Q&A with Yori Yanover via email: * Why did you write this book? Since I read the first in the Douglas Adams’s "Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy" series, I knew I wanted to do … Continue reading

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Rabbi Ovadia Yosef Says Women Can Lead Israel

From Ynetnews.com: Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, Shas’ spiritual leader, said last week that in principle, a woman could be the prime minister of Israel. The halachic ruling was given in response to a question sent to the rabbi, and clearly stated … Continue reading

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Female Teacher In Israel Accused Of Having Sex With Her Teenage Student

I can’t imagine that the boy in this case has any complaints. From YNETnews.com: A female teacher in the town of Rehovot, south of Tel Aviv, was arrested Thursday on suspicion of engaging in sexual relations with a 17-year-old student. … Continue reading

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Aish HaTorah’s ‘Obsession’

The following project is by the same people who produced and promoted "Obsession": The following are updates from the United American Committee regarding our ongoing efforts against Islamic jihad. A 30 minute preview of the fantastic film "The Third Jihad" … Continue reading

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