Daily Archives: November 5, 2008

Bearing the Body: Poverty, Humility & Chastity At UCLA

6:30 p.m. The traffic’s stuck on Westwood Blvd. I want to go west to UCLA but I pull over at a free parking spot near Westholme (?) and walk 30 minutes to the Faculty Center for tonight’s lecture. I huff … Continue reading

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Cowards Die Every Day

Joe emails: "Do you look over your shoulder when you walk down the street worrying that someone may be following you? That someone has put a hit out on you? That someone you have insulted or embarrassed will beat the … Continue reading

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LA Orthodoxy Is Weird

From my live cam chat: Josh:  LA orthodoxy exists in a bubble, you guys are so weird. Josh:  In NY, orthodox converts tend to be super-fanatic, whereas you behave like a FFB (frum from birth) Josh:  luke, dude, i’m ffb.  … Continue reading

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Dallas Cowboys Happy Over Election

I’m a right-wing Republican who has only voted Republican (though I did vote for the Labor party in Australia in 1989), but when I look at the election through the lens suggested by TV writer/producer Rob Long — that Americans … Continue reading

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Orthodoxy’s Shidduch Crisis

Rabbi Shmuley Boteach writes in the Jerusalem Post: The religious Jewish dating scene is severely broken. In the secular world men and women date by meeting each other at co-ed institutions like school and university or at events like parties … Continue reading

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