Daily Archives: November 16, 2008

No Room For Shiksas In These Temples

I call novelist Laurie Graff Nov. 16. Her new book is called The Shiksa Syndrome. She lives on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. Luke: "Do you still do performances?" Laurie: "I haven’t really acted since all this book stuff … Continue reading

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Filtering Torah Through Our Own Beliefs

Steven writes Seforim: "The second essay in Marc Shapiro’s new book is even more… mind-blowing. He shows how the Rambam systematically excluded from the Mishneh Torah almost all of the Talmudic halachot that were derived from premises which the Rambam … Continue reading

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San Jose Mercury News Sports Columnist Tim Kawakami III

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San Jose Mercury News Sports Columnist Tim Kawakami II

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San Jose Mercury News Sports Columnist Tim Kawakami

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