Gay Activists Target Supporters Of Prop 8

This time the Mormon manager (Marjorie Christoffersen) of a restaurant (El Coyote) gets blasted.

This approach is sure to win friends and influence people to the gay side.

Gay activist Micah reports:

Marjorie walked out with (her two daughters?) on arm and spoke visibly shaken and full of remorse from a prepared statement. This prepared statement was IDENTICAL to the email she send out and that is posted in the comments of the previous posting…which REALLY didn’t make people happy.

At all.

She asked for forgiveness for being SO emotional and said that "El Coyote is as diverse as it’s clientele. Customers are considered part of the family and I responded to the call of the Mormon Church to donate [towards the ban on same sex marriage]."

As she continued to speak it seemed even MORE clear that she was distancing herself from El Coyote.

Marjorie began talking about how much her Aunt had done to support gays and the plight of the GLBT Community since opening the restaurant and asked that "[she] personally take responsability for [the] blame and anger" because she said she was aware of the boycott and pending protest slated for Thursday (tomorrow 11/13) night outside the front restaurant.

She continued: "It saddens me that my faith keeps you away from The Coyote. I can not and WILL NOT change my lifelong commitment to the Mormon Church. I can not and will not change my commitment to you."

At which point she opened the floor to questions.

At which point, she shouldn’t have.

A gentleman by the same of Sam, who said he was an ex-member of the Mormon Church, asked if she was willing to donate to NO on 8.

She started crying.

A representative of the restaurant stepped in and stated that El Coyote was going to donate to Lambda Legal and the Gay and Lesbian Center and Sam said, I asked HER what SHE was going to do.

Marjorie said: "I will not."

At which point the place went insane.

One of the (daughters?) started yelling at everyone telling them (and I quote) "The church just tells you when to donate, it doesn’t tell you how to vote. It very, very rarely tells you how to vote."

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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