Daily Archives: November 3, 2008

How An Erotic Dream Led Me To An Understanding Of The Sacred Tongue

Monday afternoon, I catch the new Oliver Stone movie W. George Bush and his cohorts are portrayed as fools but I find myself enjoying every minute and I feel disappointed when it ends. I park by Borders in Westwood and … Continue reading

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News or Fark? Rabbi writes Election Day prayer

As soon as I read the headline, I thought "self-promoter! This is fake news. This is like a report on a guy translating the Bible into Australian." Others must think, "Holy man!" Then I saw the article was about someone … Continue reading

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Pico Kosher Deli – Four Stars Out Of Five

Joe emails: The best way to tell how good a Kosher restaurant is to count how many non-Orthodox patrons it has. Orthodox people do not know good food and think that anything they do not have to clean up their … Continue reading

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