Daily Archives: October 22, 2008

The Case For Prop 8

Dennis Prager writes: But even though California voters decided by a large margin to retain the man-woman definition of marriage, passing Proposition 8 will be a challenge. First, the attorney general of California, Jerry Brown, unilaterally renamed the proposition as … Continue reading

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Gay Marriage Gets The Love Treatment From The LA Times

From the blog Get Religion: The Los Angeles Times ran two stories about the California marriage proposition that deal heavily with religion. The first is a puff piece — a pro-same-sex marriage press release, really — about the gay weddings … Continue reading

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Monday night. Fifty five degrees out. Too cold. Staying in. Running late. What’s the use of going to shul? Tuesday morning. Failure. Failure. Failure. I feel like a failure. I feel like I’m swirling down the toilet of life. On … Continue reading

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