Monthly Archives: October 2008

Homeless Take Shelter In A Succah

From the Hartford Courant:   Donna Berman, Hartford’s coolest rabbi and executive director of the city’s Charter Oak Cultural Center, recently built a sukkah on the grounds of the historic center. According to Jewish tradition, sukkot were built by the Israelites as they … Continue reading

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Former Congressman Mel Levine Refuses To Debate Republican Jewish Coalition Los Angeles Head Larry Greenfield

The RJC emails: The Obama campaign is using every tool at its disposal to ban the RJC from speaking to the public. Los Angeles PhD student Omri Ceren has posted an extensively researched and meticulously cited expose on how this … Continue reading

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The Bradley Effect

Joe emails: “An interesting subject that people have been discussing with great interest concerning the election is the ”Bradley Effect” named after the late mayor of L.A.when he ran for governor in 1992 and leading Deukmejian heavily in the polls. … Continue reading

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John McCain Does A Call Sunday With Jewish Leaders

From the Washington Post: WESTERVILLE, Ohio — John McCain ducked a direct invitation this morning to criticize Barack Obama over Obama’s relationship with his one-time pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. "The issue of Pastor Wright has been pretty well … Continue reading

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Oy, The Shame!

I get a van Sunday afternoon to help a friend pick up a refrigerator and move it into his new apartment. As I start the van, it barely turns over. Oy, the shame! We drive to Western and Venice to … Continue reading

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