Monthly Archives: September 2008

Sarah Palin’s Appeal

Jonathan Mark writes: I’m getting a hunch the Republicans just might win for one reason alone, and it makes no sense, just like Chabad makes no sense to the Jewish elite. That one reason is Sarah Palin. She reminds me … Continue reading

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One Of Two Chief Rabbis Of Lubavitch Excommunicated By Jewish Court

From Daas Hakohol: Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba is now in a NIDOY by Beis Din Tzedek Of America – Ein Moshe ! ! ! The 3 Rabbonim of the Zabla, who issued the Nidoy are: Horav Arye Mordechai Rabinovitch (Mitzad Horav … Continue reading

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Rubashkins Charged With Using Child Labor

Barry emails: Why do we eat Kosher? – because G-d said so, because we ‘answer to a higher authority’. Well, the Agriprocessors and Rabashkin’s answer to an even higher authority – the almight dollar. Now they will all answer to … Continue reading

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Getting In Touch With Dennis Prager

Email Dennis at: Macho Man emails me: I was reading Dennis Pager’s convention comments on your site and, for various reasons he touched on (and some he didn’t) I was wondering if you’d put me in touch with him. … Continue reading

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Sarah Palin’s Family’s Legal Records

From ERSNews: We’ve been watching the media feeding frenzy since Republican nominee John McCain named little known Alaska Governor Sarah Palin his VP running mate. We’ve noticed that as media outlets far and wide have jumped into the “Who is … Continue reading

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