Daily Archives: August 28, 2008

Bais Yaakov Bans Its Girls From Going To Gyms

Bais Yaakov Los Angeles (ultra-Orthodox high school for girls in the Fairfax/La Brea area) has banned its students from going to gyms, even female-only gyms such as Curves. Needless to say, Bais Yaakov girls are also banned from going on … Continue reading

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Beth Jacob’s New Cantor

Cantor Shim Craemer of Riverdale visited this past Shabbat for consideration as the Chazzan. Made a good impression. A nice voice and a mench par excellence. It seems the nod will probably go to Nati Baram of the Great Synagogue … Continue reading

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Blacks Score 20% Lower On SATs

From the WSJ: High-school students’ performance on SAT college-entrance exams stalled, and the gap widened between low-scoring minority groups and the overall population, raising questions about the quality of teaching in U.S. schools. Average scores for the class of 2008 … Continue reading

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