Daily Archives: August 17, 2008

Rushing To Judgment On Agriprocessors

I have one quibble with Rabbi Avi Shafran’s essay. He seems to equate getting the results from a government investigation with getting the facts. I wonder why a government investigation is more intrinsically likely to get the facts than a … Continue reading

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Jewish Bloggers Conference Aug. 20 In Jerusalem

I don’t have a side in any of the debates in this article. I just have one opinion: Some people decided to create an event (Nefesh B’Nefesh Jewish Blogger Convention) for Jewish bloggers to come together. A sponsor was found … Continue reading

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Orthodox Rabbis & Social Activism

Rabbi Gil Student writes:   I don’t recall where, but someone recently mentioned (perhaps in the comments here) that R. Haskel Lookstein had once declared that we should treat lettuce as non-kosher due to the treatment of farm workers. As … Continue reading

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Is It The Job Of Kashrut Rabbis To Make Sure That Workers Are Fairly Paid?

Nobody has the wisdom to decide what is fair pay outside of the employer and employee who come to a deal. If an illegal immigrant will work for $2 an hour, then that is fair pay. Nobody is putting a … Continue reading

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Women Wearing Pants

I prefer life when men act like men and women like women (and wear skirts). Religious Jewish women wear skirts and those who wear pants are not being religious in that respect. Hirhurim writes: R. Shmuel Katz, Kedoshim Tihyu, ch. … Continue reading

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