Monthly Archives: July 2008

Eric Longabardi Finally Meets Mirthala Salinas

From ERSNews:  Last July, just after starting posting on the web, the story of Los Angele’s Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa having an “affair” with local Telemundo anchorwoman Mirthala Salinas splashed onto the internet first, followed by the traditional mainstream news … Continue reading

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Modern Orthodox Rabbis Try To Run Around Israel’s Chief Rabbinate

From Haaretz: Orthodox rabbis from the United States and Israel intend to set up an Orthodox court system as an alternative to Israel’s rabbinical courts and to the rigorous norms for conversion to Judaism imposed on U.S. rabbis. Rabbi Marc … Continue reading

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Exhausted By Islamic Anti-Semitism

Leon Cohen writes: Most useful will be “The Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism: From Sacred Texts to Solemn History” written and edited by Andrew G. Bostom (Prometheus Books, $39.95). Bostom’s book is both exhaustive and exhausting, a tome of some 766 … Continue reading

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Rabbi Shlomo Riskin Says Give Agriprocessors A Chance

He writes to the Jerusalem Post:   Uri Zedek is a burgeoning Orthodox social action group paralleling Maagalei Zedek in Israel. It insists that kashrut and yashrut, ritual concern and ethical sensitivity, go hand in hand. I am proud to … Continue reading

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Rabbi Hillel Goldberg Finishes His New Book On The Vilna Gaon’s Thoughts On The Mikveh

From the Rocky Mountain News: It’s Sunday morning in the rabbi’s office, and in his hands Goldberg holds his new 494-page book, Hallel Hakohen. Goldberg has written other books. As editor of the Intermountain Jewish News, he writes all the … Continue reading

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