Monthly Archives: July 2008

How Long Can The MSM Ignore The John Edwards Love Child Story?

Former New York Times reporter Sharon Waxman blogs: It’s hard out there for an ex-candidate, and for the newspapers who cover them. Take today’s explosive story, so far untouched by The New York Times, Washington Post or Los Angeles Times … Continue reading

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The John Edwards Story: Another Black Eye For The LA Times

These clowns can’t get out of their own way. It’s so satisfying to see this arrogant institution humbled. Kevin Roderick reports: Executive editor Meredith Artley of the Times website follows up in an email to Times bloggers: From: Artley, Meredith … Continue reading

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‘Praying In Her Own Voice’

I invite a Torah girl to watch this documentary with me. She replies: Do you need me to be a 10th for a  minyan of fat,  ugly women?  "These women are fat and passionate and old and bizarre."  I’ll come wearing tefillin, talis … Continue reading

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Why Is Joel Grishaver Still Allowed To Work With Children?

Joel Grishaver used to molest little boys. How is he still allowed to teach in Jewish life? From his website: Joel Grishaver is a hammer for education . He pounds on the anvil of accepted wisdom and works curlicued miracles … Continue reading

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