Daily Archives: June 26, 2008

Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent & 60 Minutes Star Lara Logan Took Her Hubby

From the New York Post: By TODD VENEZIA BATTLE OF THE SEXES: "60 Minutes" star Lara Logan, seen riding a tank in Iraq, allegedly had two paramours at once – one of whom, CNN’s Michael Ware, brawled over her honor, … Continue reading

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Becoming More Liberal And More Observant

Michael Lewyn writes: In one of your Klinghoffer interviews, one of you (I can’t remember which) suggests that becoming more frum always leads to more political conservatism (or at least doesn’t make one more politically liberal).   This hasn’t been … Continue reading

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Sex and the Holy City

From YNETnews.com: At the age of 32, Laizy Shapira is still single. It wouldn’t be so crucial if he were a professional Tel Avivian, but Shapira is a religious man who lives in Jerusalem and leads his sentimental life there, … Continue reading

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