Monthly Archives: June 2008

For The Sin Of Not Getting Along With ME Susan Freudenheim…

For the great sin of not getting along with Jewish Journal managing editor Susan Freudenheim, the newspaper has lost a few male writers (Marc Ballon, etc). I guess she’s allergic to testosterone. Every time I start to read something by … Continue reading

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Emma Launches A Blog

She writes: It has been a lazy week so far. Work is boring.. That guy from the bar never did call back… Things are just going by in such a sloooooooow pace. Tomorrow it’s my best friends 21st birthday party. … Continue reading

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Gross National Happiness: Why Happiness Matters for America–and How We Can Get More of It (Hardcover)

Christopher Barat writes on "The author of "Who Really Cares," the tome that turned popular stereotypes about charitable behavior on their heads, is back with more data regarding which groups in the American population report high levels of happiness. … Continue reading

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I’ve Launched A New Website – will focus on the Jewish community of Pico/Robertson and zip code 90035.

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Pat Buchanan’s New Book Argues The Second World War Was Unnecessary

Adam Kirsch writes for the NY Sun: Churchill, of course, was the one British statesman who recognized that a Europe dominated by Hitler could never be at peace, and who never wavered from the consequences of this insight. Here lies … Continue reading

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