Monthly Archives: February 2008

Chai Center rabbi explains ‘off the handle’ e-mails

I’ve known of Schwartzie for about 20 years from Dennis Prager’s lectures. When I came to L.A., I was excited to meet Rabbi Shlomo Schwartz and he was everything Prager promised and more. Schwartzie loves Judaism and he reaches out … Continue reading

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Jewish school accused on admissions

From JTA: A prestigious Jewish school in London was accused of discrimination for refusing to accept the daughter of a convert. The JFS, formerly known as the Jewish Free School, rejected the application of a girl whose mother is a … Continue reading

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The Jewish Journal Has Passed Its Quota On ‘Silencing The Left’ Cover Stories

This week it is crafted thus: "The L.A. Battle For Israel’s Survival. Hawks seize the limelight as the Doves fight to be heard." On Sept. 27, 2002, it read: "The Silencing of the Left? How the quest for a united … Continue reading

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What Are You Doing To Celebrate Black History Month?

Khunrum emails: "Booger Black History month….I’m fuming that Spielberg has dropped out of the Olympics because of the "suffering in Darfur" without mentioning the suffering in Burma where military thugs have been repressing Democracy for years. The missus, (Ms. SOpee) … Continue reading

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Holly Randall Goes To Shul

Since our fling in late 2005 and early 2006, I’ve often hoped that erotic photographer Holly Randall would give up her profession and become my Jewish wife. We just fit together so well. (Don’t have a dirty mind!) Thursday afternoon, … Continue reading

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